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The unity of the people, the unity of fate

The unity of the people, the unity of fate

Unknown journalist Published At: 2021-11-21 02:10:39 Updated At: 2021-11-21 02:10:39

Long live Egypt with its people, despite their plans

I am not writing this article to emphasize that Egypt is nothing but Egypt and its people are the Egyptians only. There is no so-called sectarianism in our culture and history, and none of us has anything to do with the religion field recorded in the identity card.

But I: I would only like to share my opinion in this controversy that erupted recently against the background of the deliberate abuse of this priest, who has been excluded for two decades, and which was rightly addressed by all Egyptians in a way that exceeded the limits of expectations.

The statements issued by Pope Tawadros, which were not the first of their kind, but he was forced to repeat them, namely (that if churches are demolished, we will pray next to our Muslim sisters in mosques),

And other posts that flooded the various means of communication, and none of us paid much attention to the identity of those who wrote them, because they are purely Egyptian, and they fiercely confronted any failed attempt trying to raise their head again to split the Egyptian ranks at a time when we need what we are in the heart of one man, to support and support the country’s locomotive The relentlessly moving forward in a manner that astonished everyone without paying attention to the uninterrupted howling of dogs.

Then:Despite this solid cohesion that I talked about, there are a few that must be present at every time and place, and they usually tweet outside the flock.

It caught my attention very much that there are sentences exchanged between the people of the country of condolences and sympathy and others, and on top of those sentences were the following:

(We share your sorrows in your painful affliction)

(Excuse us, we are angry now)

(We are all children of one nation, Muslims and Christians)

And other words that hurt my ears and confused my feelings, and I stood in confusion.

Since when were we two factions (us and them)?

And from where did we get all those strange phrases to us, which are the evidence of the success of these intruders in splitting the ranks, dividing society and sowing discord among the sons of the Egyptians, who were never stopped by the religion field in the identity cards, as they were, are and will remain one homogeneous interwoven fabric, and my words bear witness to this My generation and those before it from many generations have their roots back thousands of years when we were all “Egyptian Copts”.

Our vocabulary has never known these names, which only indicate a great ignorance of history, which is never erased by these poisonous extremist ideas.

Those that have been implanted with sick and dysfunctional minds to turn into mere tools and puppets moved by certain forces that do not wish us well and can only search always and forever for ways to eliminate our unity and fragment our strength.

There is an old example describing the state of a society that was never preoccupied by the fact that this one is a Muslim or that a Christian:

(I heard a funny story about the two giants, Najib Al-Rihani and Badi’ Khairy, who cooperated throughout the years of their artistic career, which spanned for decades, and which came out to the public with most of Al-Rihani’s masterpieces).

One day, after many years of friendship, technical cooperation, and closeness, one of Badi’ Khairy’s close friends passed away, and his friend Najib went to offer his condolences. The surprise that he did not know was that Badi’ Khairy was a Muslim.

Al-Rihani said to him, "You said that you are a Muslim before that."

A charitable individual (and you are your age you asked me)?

Dear citizen: Egyptian identity and heart:

Beware of the many temptations that he sows in your way, who is your enemy to manipulate your feelings, and charges your heart with feelings that do not exist at all, to make of you a new tool from his tools that he uses in his war against you to destroy you yourself with your hand, not with his hand.

We are not 'us', not 'them', and we never will be

End: We are the Copts of Egypt, regardless of our religion, which we worship through its teachings. God who united our hearts and made us one nation. An enemy has never and will never be able to divide its ranks, even if he gathers the armies of the whole earth with the testimony of history that is deeply rooted.

Whoever aimed his bullets at those returning from the monastery is the same as he who aimed them at the worshipers in the mosque, he does not differentiate between any of us, and he will not succeed in that one day as long as the life of this world lasts.

Far away from him and his tribe wherever they are, and Egypt lived with its people, despite their plans, and above their heads, strong and proud forever.

Copied, Egypt lived with its people despite their plans